盧世強 工作室
Ceramics Classes in Shek Kip Mei
From October 2024, our studio has moved JCCAC) in Shek Kip Mei, to a more convenient location in Kowloon Bay, and continue to offer exclusive classes for YOU to experience the fun of ceramic creation.
由2024年10月開始, 本工作室已經從石硤尾, 搬遷到一個交通更方便, 面積更大,位於九龍灣的藝術工作空間, 繼續提供常規學習班,讓你體驗陶藝創作的樂趣。
Ceramics Sculpting Workshop 陶藝雕塑工作坊 - this 2-lesson course let you experiencing the fun of turning a lump of clay in your hands into an artwork of you own – for own leisure or as a gift to your dear friends.
陶藝雕塑工作坊 - 讓你親身體驗一塊泥巴怎樣在你掌中變成一件個人藝術品,作自用欣賞或送贈好友。
Blue & White Painting Workshop 青花瓷工作坊
Regular weekly ceramic sculpting class 恆常陶藝雕塑班 teaches you step-by-step knowledge of pottery making, and guide you through the way of creating your artwork with your own hands.
恆常陶藝雕塑班 - 按步學習制陶技巧,導師示範及在學員創作過程中從旁指導,令學員輕鬆完成作品。
Special Topic Classes are offered from time to time.
特別主題班 - 不時推出。
* Class Time is negotiatable - If our class schedule does not fit your time, you can choose your own time-slot if you have a group of 3 persons and above, just contact us for arrangement.
*上課時間可商議 - 如果我們的上課時間不適合你, 只要有不少於三位學員,可與我們聯絡作特別時間安排。
** Corporate and Private classes can be arranged. Please contact us at email:
Class Index 課程 (click button for details 詳細請按入)