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A 2 lessons workshop for you to experience the fun of pottery making. Experiencing the feeling of clay in your hands, and the joy of turning it into an art piece of your own …


Lesson 1 > Basic hand-build pottery techniques such as pinching and coiling techniques will be taught so that you can immediately create simple works like mugs, bowls, or small sculptures you can imagine with your own hands.Tutor will demonstrate and guide you through the creating processes.


Lesson 2 > Finished works after the 1st lesson will be bisque-fired. Lesson 2 learns the technique of applying glazes on to your artworks. Get to know different types of glaze and its application.


Glazed works will be fired in high temperature and collected within 2 weeks’ time after the second lesson.



第一堂 > 親身感受一塊陶泥在你手中變成一件個人藝術作品的喜悅。工作坊內容教授陶藝基礎技巧如:手捏成形、圍泥成形等。讓你立刻創作出簡單而美麗的容器或小雕塑。導師會跟進創作過程並示範改進技巧。

第二堂 > 學認識釉料的種類。學習施釉的技巧。學員在第一堂完成的作品經過素燒等待學員上釉。導師會示範上釉技法。




Class Schedule 上課時間:


2nd and 4th Sunday of the month 每月 第2及第4個 星期日 3:00 pm – 6:00 pm

(2 lessons / Total 6 hours.) (2堂 / 共6小時)



** Class Time is negotiable if you have 3 persons joining the class *

**  如三人或以上參加,上課時間可以商議 **


Course fee 費用 $ 990./2 lessons (One sculpting lesson PLUS One glazing lesson, inclusive of firing and material fee 已包含燒制及材料費 )

Each class accepts 3 to 8 participants  每班可容納3至8位學員



Enrollment: Please fill in form below and press [Send] button. Confirmation of acceptance will be sent to you within 4 days from receiving your application.

報名: 請填寫下面的表格, 然後接 [Send] 鍵。上課確認書會在報名後四天內發出給學員。

Your details were sent successfully!

​© Louis Sai Keung Lo 2020

合巹交杯  The Nuptial Cups. 2019

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