盧世強 工作室
Louis Sai keung Lo
簡歷 About Me
盧世強,陶藝雕塑家,自少年時跟隨石灣陶藝家何秉聰先生修習陶藝雕塑, 人物和人像雕塑成為他多年來的主要創作主題. 2006至2009年間赴紐約著名藝術玻璃工作室研習玻璃鑄造技術作為另類雕塑媒介。2010年回港, 進一步探索傳統陶瓷技法與當代雕塑藝術的關係而於2013年修畢澳洲皇家墨爾本理工大學之藝術文學士(主修陶瓷) 課程。 同年開設工作室作全職陶塑藝術創作和教育工作,並積極參與不同聯展及個展。近年作品主要反映今天人類社會的現象。
Louis Sai-keung Lo, ceramics artist and sculptor, practiced Shiwan ceramic sculpting in early years and had been focused in portrait and human figure sculpting since 1970s.
During 2006-2009, Louis travelled to New York to study glass art casting techniques in renowned glass studios as an additional medium for sculpting. Returned to Hong Kong in 2010, Louis completed the BAFA programme (major in ceramics) offered jointly by RMIT Australia and HK Art School with an objective to merging traditional ceramics techniques with contemporary sculptural art concepts.
Louis worked as a full-time ceramics artist and tutor. He actively participated in many group exhibitions as well as solo exhibitions. His latest works reflect the phenomenon of people in modern world.
Art Education
2013 Bachelor of Arts (Fine Art),
RMIT University, Australia
2013 Italian Sculpture Master Class by
Franco Anzelmo, Hong Kong Art
School, Hong Kong
2010 Practiced DiFiore's technique with
glass artist Miriam Di Fiore,
Mornico Losana, Italy
2006 – 2007
Urban Glass, Brooklyn, New York.
The Studio, Corning Museum of
Glass, New York.
1973 - 1980s
Practiced ceramics with “Shiwan
Ceramics” artist Mr. Ho Ping-chung
Solo Exhibition
12/2016 Dialogue
12/2015 Touch - Inner Sense
Group Exhibition
9/2021 Pure Land - A group exhibition under the
theme Pure Land in Buddhism related to
Dunhuang Arts
Galerija Cedomir Krstic,
5/2021 - 6/2021
Symphony Six - The 6th Joint Exhibition of
White Box Friends
PMQ, Central, H.K.
3/2020 - 5/2020
MTR Central Station, H.K.
12/2019 - 1/2020
On Earth
2/2019 Touched by Romance
Touch Ceramics, Central, H.K.
13/12/2018 - 13/1/2019
Factory Forward - JCCAC Art Festival 2018
6-8/12/2018 DesignInspire 2018
HK Convention Centre, H.K.
5/2018 - 7/2018
The Charismatic Rebirth of Yore
Museum of Contemporary Art, Taipei
9/2016 - 2/2017
Fashion+Paper, Scissors & Rock
HK Heritage Museum, H.K.
3/2016 - 4/2016
Arttube, MTR Central Station, H.K.
10/2014 Fine Art Asia 2014
Hong Kong Convention Centre.
7/2014 Studio Glass Hong Kong Opening
Exhibition, JCCAC, H.K.
4/2014 A Heritage into the Future – Hong
Kong Ceramics – Wun Yiu,
Unit Gallery, JCCAC, H.K.
1/2014 Clay-In-Clay 2014
HK Visual Art Centre, H.K.
1/2013 The Wall.
HKAS Gallery, HK Arts Centre, H.K.
Media Interview
5/2019 JCCAC Newsletter Coverpage
3/2019 Geometric Image Global Media
1/2019 H.K. Economic Times
2014 Artworks - Wun Yiu Series -
Satisfaction and Expectation:
- Tai Kung Pao 24.04.2014. P.A21
- Eat and Travel Weekly Issue 978.
- MetroPop Issue 401. P.112-113
- Phoenix TV – Speak Out Hong Kong
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