盧世強 工作室
Ceramics Sculpting 陶塑雕塑 -
A Step-by-Step Introduction to Ceramic Sculpting
Ceramic sculpting is a just piece of cake – Start from zero, you will learn how to prepare a lump of clay and use different hand building techniques to turn it into various forms of cups, containers as well as sculptures.
Basic hand-building pottery techniques such as pinching, coiling, and slab building will be taught in an easy way. Use of different kinds of tool, application of glaze will be introduced.
The work will be dried or bisque fired, after which glaze will be applied and fired into your final artwork!
造陶其實易如反掌 - 課程讓你由零開始,學懂運用不同技巧將一塊泥變成不同形態的容器或雕塑。 內容包括教授基礎手捏陶瓷技巧如:手捏成形、圍泥成形、泥板等。學習工具的運用和釉料的基本認識。
1 lesson per week / 3 hrs per lesson
Each class accepts 3 to 8 participants
每星期 1 堂 / 每堂 3 小時
每班可容納 3 至 8 位學員
Class Schedule 上課時間:
1. Every Tue,Thu, Fri 逢星期二,四 ,五 晚上 ( 7:30pm – 10:30pm )
2. Every Tue, Thu 逢星期二,四, 下午 ( 3:00pm - 6:00pm )
3. Every Sun 逢星期日 上午 ( 10:30am - 1:30pm )
Course fee 費用: $ 1,800 ( 4 lessons total 12 hrs ) ( 四堂 共12小時 )
(*inclusive of firing and material fee; 已包括燒制及材料費)
Enrollment: Please fill in form below and press [Send] button. Confirmation of acceptance will be sent to you within 4 days from receiving your application.
報名: 請填寫下面的表格, 然後接 [Send] 鍵。上課確認書會在報名後四天內發出給學員。