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Special Topic Series – Human Figures


Human sculpturing is a special topic amongst many pottery makings, as ceramists generally feel human figure is difficult to create. In this workshop, your tutor will demonstrate various ways to make this happen, Starting with basic techniques, participants will be guided how to transform a piece of clay into a lively human figure.


Basic hand-build pottery techniques such as pinching, coiling, and slap building will be taught. Use of tools, application of various types of glaze will be introduced. 


Regular Class - 1 lesson per week / 3 hours per lesson

Each class accepts 3 to 6 participants

Course Fee: Every 4 lessons (total 12 hours) - $1,200.-


Class dates:    To be announced


** If you are interested in this class, please send us your email so that

you will be informed of our class schedule once available. **



[人物塑造]是一個特別的課題,一般做陶藝創作的人都會覺得 [人] 是最難掌握的課題。 在這個工作坊導師會透過示範多變的表現手法,了解製陶的各種可能性,並指導學員怎樣利用陶泥塑造出活靈活現的人物造像,從淺入深,樂趣無窮。




恆常班 - 每星期 1 堂,每堂3小時。

每堂 3 至 6 學員

學費:每節4堂共12小時 $1,200.-


課堂日子:    待定






​© Louis Sai Keung Lo 2020

合巹交杯  The Nuptial Cups. 2019

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