盧世強 工作室
Louis SK LO
1) Ceramic Sculpting Summer Class 陶藝雕塑暑期班
A relaxing 4-sessions short course for you to experience the fun of pottery making in this summer season. Feeling the joy of turning lump of clay in your hands into an art work of your own …
Basic hand-build pottery techniques such as pinching and coiling techniques will be taught so that you can immediately create simple works like mugs, bowls, or anything you can imagine with your own hands.Tutor will demonstrate and guide you through the creating processes including glazing your own works, which will then be fired into an uniques art piece.
Class Schedule 上課時間:
Every Tuesday, Saturday, or Sunday 逢星期二、六 或 日 – 10:30 am – 1:30 pm
Course fee 費用: $ 1,200 ( 4堂/共12小時 )
(inclusive of firing and material fee 已包含燒制及材料費 )
Each class accepts 3 to 6 participants 每班可容納3至6位學員
2) Ceramic Painting Summer Class 青花瓷/彩繪 暑期班
A 2-sessions short course for you to create your own blue & white (or color) porcelain works. Unique traditional painting technique is introduced. Student will be taught to glaze their works after painting. Artworks will be fired at high temperature before being collected.
Class Schedule 上課時間:
Every Wednesday, Friday, Sunday 逢星期三、五、日 – 2:30 pm – 5:30 pm
Course fee 費用: $ 660 ( 2堂 / 共6小時 )
(inclusive of firing and material fee 已包含燒制及材料費 )
Each class accepts 3 to 6 participants 每班可容納3至6位學員
Enrollment: Please fill in form below and press [Send] button. Confirmation of acceptance will be sent to you within 4 days from receiving your application.
報名: 請填寫下面的表格, 然後接 [Send] 鍵。上課確認書會在報名後四天內發出給學員。